
「新式外來人口統一證號(New UI No.)」變更事宜
The Notice for the Change Relating to New UI No. for Foreign Nationals

一、 內政部移民署自2021年1月2日起換發「新式外來人口統一證號」,相關資訊可參考內政部網站
二、 若您已申請新式外來人口統一證號,提醒您下列事項:
(一) 請您攜帶最新證照正本及原留印鑑,至各分公司辦理新式外來人口統一證號資料變更事宜。或填妥附件「受益人基本資料暨印鑑變更掛失申請書」第9項,蓋上原留印鑑並附最新證照正反面影本,郵寄至 11047台北市信義區松智路1號4樓 瀚亞證券投資信託股份有限公司。
(二) 提醒您,您留存於瀚亞投信之統一證號須與您所約定之銀行扣(匯)款帳戶證號相符,以免造成扣款失敗或贖回款及配息款被退匯。
(三) 因本年度所得稅結算申報期間將屆,請注意您申報之新式外來人口證號與留存本公司資料是否相符,以免影響自身權益。
(四) 如您想瞭解更多「新式外來人口統一證號」專案資訊,可至內政部移民署網頁查詢,或撥打各服務站電話、1996內政服務熱線或外來人士在臺生活諮詢服務熱線(0800-024-111)。
三、 倘若您有相關問題,請於本公司營業時間(上午10:00至12:00及下午1:30至5:30)來電客服專線:02-8758-6699按9洽詢。

The Ministry of the Interior has replaced "New UI No." format for Foreign Nationals and the format has been implemented since 2 January 2021.You can get more information from the website of the Ministry of the Interior

If you have applied for your New UI No., this is a reminder of the following contents:

1. Please bring your R.O.C. (Taiwan) Resident Certificate with New UI No. and the specimen signature or seal required by Eastspring Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd (the "Company") to any branches of the Company close to you, our staff will assist you in updating the personal information. Or, you may fill out the enclosed Beneficiary Information Change Application Form with your specimen signature or seal and return this Application Form with a copy of your new R.O.C (Taiwan) Resident Certificate (both front side and back side) by post to the Company.
2. Please be reminded that your New UI No. provided to the Company shall be identical with your designated bank account to facilitate a smooth operational process for deduction and redemption/dividend payment.
3. Since the income tax filing period is due in Dec 2021, please be reminded that the new UI No. used for tax filing shall be identical with the information provided to the Company to protect your rights.
4. For more details of the " New UI No. for Foreign Nationals " Project, please go to the website of the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior or contact their service center phone number, or the 1996 Internal Affairs Service Hotline or the consultation service hotline for migrant people living in Taiwan (0800-024-111).

If you have any questions, please call our customer service center number:  02-8758-6699#9 during business hours (10:00-12:00 AM and 1:30-:30PM).

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